Wednesday, 13 July 2011

REVIEW: Torchwood: The Lost Files 1 - The Devil And Miss Carew


Captain Jack Harkness - John Barrowman
Gwen Cooper - Eve Myles
Ianto Jones - Gareth David-Lloyd
Rhys Williams - Kai Owen
Fitzroy - Martin Jarvis
Miss Carew - Juliet Mills
Sian - Hayley J Williams
Uncle Bryn - James Walsh
Old Lady - Shelley Rees

Set before Children Of Earth, this is a decent enough story but did however have its problems. There are moments where I can't decide whether it's really poor acting and you can tell they're just reading, or it's really poor character scripting and I can't imagine them saying it so it sounds fake. But in particular, I just don't think John Barrowman can act well for audio. Jack interacting with Ianto is particularly excruciating... couldn't Ianto have stayed dead? Or just not interact with Jack because at times Gareth David-Lloyd wasn't much better... and it wasn't like their characters actually contributed to the story. Thankfully, most of the story centered around Gwen.

Oh, the music and sound design was quite good, so there's that too.

Score: 4/7

Writer: Rupert Laight
Director: Kate McAll
Publisher: BBC
Released: 11th July 2011

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