Monday, 11 July 2011

REVIEW: Doctor Who 148: Rat Trap

 Fifth Doctor, Nyssa, Tegan, & Turlough

NOTE: This review contains spoilers for the first two parts.

A fairly eventful first chapter sets a nice pace that's full of good old Doctor Who tropes like The TARDIS not w--king correctly and the team getting split up immediately. Nyssa's character is further explored in this, appearing to be at the centre of the current Fifth Doctor's story arc. Some telepathic creatures also show up to provide running commentary as they monitor what's happening and the cliffhanger has Turlough seemingly get blown up by a grenade as he takes the time out to describe to the audience other characters that there's a grenade about to blow up. Despite the creatures seemingly wanting to talk over each other all the time in strange voices with weird alien sound effect music playing in the background making you miss the occasional word, it was an interesting start to the story.

It never really got boring and the subject matter left you with a hint of a thought about morality. Overall it wasn't too bad and it seems like they're setting up a nice arc that will continue and be the focus of the next trilogy which is sounding intriguing.

Score - 4/7

Writer: Tony Lee
Director: Ken Bentley
Producer: Big Finish
Released: June 2011

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