Friday 24 July 2009

The Sober Chronicles - Chapter 10 - The Straw-Shank Redemption

AND NOW.....

Jake lies there motionless and scared, the others pointing and jeering at him. He dare not move as the farmer approaches, scythe in hand, swinging with determination. Jake starts trembling.
"I don't want to be B-dweiser. Please Lord, save me."
Before the farmer takes another swing, the swing that would cleave Jake down, he gets a face full of straw from the flatbed and stops....

Gav saw nothing of this till he saw the farmer waving frantically at the incoming cloud of straw which distracted his non-concentration. Seeing the farmer, he decides to go down and ask him about the barley. Hopping over the wall and tramping across the field he sees the farmer now free of the straw staring at him, his gaze switching between his face and the tracks he's leaving in the field. He notices the farmer getting angrier by the second...


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