Thursday 6 December 2012

Book Review: The Long Earth

A merging of one of my favourite authors with a respected science writer? I've got to like this - and I do. This is a fantastic book that really explores the consequences of the world and situation we find ourselves in whilst following loosely a bit of a plot just to keep some point to it. But its this exploring of the concept that really makes it for me. Many times I found myself wondering about what various aspects would mean or what they would result in, and for things that would have no bearing on the main story, and almost immediately the next chapter would diverge from the plot to tell a side story that would explain it and flesh out this universe. There are many ideas that are touched upon but not explored, but it just leaves that as a tantalising cliffhanger for a sequel to explore and get its teeth into. As usual from Pratchett, we have a fantastic collection of interesting characters and ideas.

Score: 6/7

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