Thursday, 24 February 2011

The Sober Chronicles - Chapter 19 - The Miracle Worker

"Downtown screams and charges at Gav..."

Downtown snatches the bottle from Gav's hand and throws it to the other side of the room shouting "What do you think you're doing.. are you even thinking?"
"What? I wanted beer." questioned Gav.
"Good thing I saved you then, did you not notice that that was a bottle of Budweiser!"
"IT WAS?! Fuck man, that was close. Good job someone here has their wits about them."
AAlgav speaks up. "Well clearly, we neeed to get this man some beer. And quick."
"Then I propose we use this meeting to discuss what our options are to achieve this." adds GAVSEN
Downtown replies "Well we know that all public houses will have sold out, so we need to think of an alternative"
"Or find someone who may know of an alternative" replied Gav.
"How about that Billy The Wise?" offered Downtown.
"Whizz. It's pronounced whizz" corrected Gav.
Everyone notices GAVSEN deep in thought.
"GAVSEN?" asks AAlgav.
"I was just thinking, what we really need, is someone who can make alcohol from water. Someone who can perform miracles"


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