"..That's why I cringed, it always reminds me of her betrayal."
AND NOW.....
"I'm sorry man."
"The thing that really annoys me is how I went along with it for so long, pretending it was a miracle conception. People have even started calling him the Son of God, and for that I cannot forgive myself. I left Mary, left the carpentry business, left everything and went into failed business venture after failed business venture. My life's a mess now. That's it, I'm doing nothing now, it's too much ef---t."
"Too much to even say the whole word?" Gav questions.
"Yup, I'm done with it all"
"Tell you what, you sound like a great guy, fancy joining my Order?"
"Your Order?"
"Order Of Gavs... admittedly there's only me so far but I haven't come across anyone deserving enough to join.... till you.”
"But I'm not a Gav."
"Then we'll have to make you one. From now on you'll be 'Gav Brown'."
"Gav Brown? Hmmm, I like it. Downtown Gav Brown."
"Excelle..." Gav pauses "...hey, have you noticed something strange about this ship?"
"What? No, can't say I have"
"Have a look."
Downtown looks around.
"Oh god, you're right. How could we not have notice?"
"The lack of alcohol must have been distracting my attention."
"Let's go investigate"
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