"....I have a plan that is most cunning in nature"
AND NOW.....
On their way to Noah's ship, the skies darken with thick grey clouds and the rain starts pouring. By the time they get to the ship the rain is very heavy and they can just make out the words NOAH and SARK on the side.
"This must be it" says Joseph "So, how are we going to get on?"
"Just leave all the talking to me" says Gav as he approaches Noah who is standing guard.
"Good evening my fellow man..." starts Gav.
Noah interrupts "I'm sorry but we already have two of every species accompanying us. There's no room at the inn if you like."
Joseph cringes.
"You appear to be pretty strict about this.
"A man's word is his bond"
"May I ask, of the human species, how many are aboard?"
"Why, just the two of us. My wife Sark and myself."
"Forgive me, but did you not say that two of every species would accompany you and your wife?"
"..... yes." Noah says hesitantly.
"Then surely as you said two of every species would accompany you, that logically implies, even taking into account that you yourselves are human, that two humans would accompany you."
"I... ummm....." Noah stammers with a confused expression "I.... guess you're... right"
"Strictly speaking is all I'm saying" Gav hammers home.
"Well..." says Noah as he steps aside "welcome aboard then." and gestures them both towards the ship.